How companies promote health with TERGON

As a manufacturer of ergonomic office chairs, TERGON is specifically engaged with the question which contribution healthy sitting at work can make to motivation and the decrease of absence due to sickness of the workforce of a company.

Please discover what our customers from reputable companies have experienced. This is a topic, which is also of fundamental importance to your company.

Take the opportunity to test a Swiss Ergochair. We invite corporate clients to a free trial.

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„We were very surprised by the high quality and great comfort of these chairs.“

„We have chosen TERGON for its various features and customizations.“

„The TERGON seat is naturally a very ergonomic seat, which is great. The different adjustment options are great.“

„Extremely comfortable.“

„We are very grateful for these chairs.“

„Simply relax with TERGON.“

„We have a beautiful chair, a pronounced seat, but also a seat that [...] does not tire us.“

Gratis Testen

Treat your back to a four-week vacation
In Switzerland, Germany and the Benelux countries, we deliver our Swiss Ergochair non-bindingly to your company. Then you can strengthen your back for a period of 4 weeks with our motion module and relax with the Twin Comfort System. If you still would like to return the chair, it will be picked up personally by us and there will be no costs for you. Is that a good offer?
Please fill in the address form below in order for us to get in touch with you - your back will be very thankful.